Other Places

Jewish Federation of Upstate South Carolina
other information about GJF
Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina Memorial Scrolls Trust Website
video of 60th anniversary
Chabad.org American Jewish Historical Society Institute of Southern Jewish Life Anderson County Museum 
Jewish Holidays  Jewish Virtual Library of S.C. Jewish Virtual Library Israel Jewish Encyclopedia
Jews in Antebellum S.C. Jews of South Carolina Jewish Community Legacy Project Yad Ben-Zvi (Ben Zvi Institute)
S.C. Council on the Holocaust
  Our friends at the Church of the Ascension
Emanuel Synagogue, Sydney, Australia Westminster Synagogue London, England
Temple Emanuel Greensboro, NC Congregation Mickve Israel Savannah, Georgia


Adath Yeshurun or their 100th Anniversary Temple Kol Ami
Beth Israel Temple Solel
Bishopville Hebrew Congregation Temple of Oseh Shalom
Oseh Shalom Temple Beth Elohim
Temple Beth El Beth Israel
Congregation Dor Tikvah Chabad of the Upstate
Brith Shalom Beth Israel Temple of Israel
Chabad of Charleston Congregation Beth Yam
Synagogue Emanu-El Temple Beth-Or
Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim Chabad of Charleston & the Lowcountry


Chabad Lubavitch of S. Carolina Beth El Sephardic Congregation
Congregation Beit Midrash Chabad Lubavitch Jewish Center
Synagogue Beth Shalom Temple Sinai
Tree of Life Congregation Temple Beth-El
Chabad Adelph House B’nai Israel
Ohav Shalom Temple Sinai
Beth Israel Congregation Temple Mount Sinai 

