Israel Resilience Campaign

This came from the JNF in case our anyone is interested.

In light of the current situation in Israel, our support is with our fellow Jews and all those affected by the ongoing challenges. As leaders in our small communities, let us continue to unite in support of our brothers and sisters in Israel, demonstrating the strength of our global Jewish family. Together, we can make a difference, even from afar. We have begun a $10 million Israel Resilience Campaign to fund these needs

Jewish National Fund-USA is on the ground with communities in the south devastated by the attacks, ensuring immediate needs are met and future requirements are fulfilled:
1. Evacuating residents from the hardest-hit border communities by arranging transportation and emergency housing.
2. Ensuring that displaced Israelis have all of the supplies they need including bedding, soap and shampoo, toothbrushes and toothpaste, deodorant, socks, etc.
3. Providing firefighting and protective equipment to manage the ongoing rocket fire which is destroying homes, farms, infrastructure, and businesses.
4. Providing high-quality and tailored psychological treatment for civilians, including children, who have experienced this catastrophe firsthand.
5. Finding and procuring scarce security-related protective equipment
* Jewish National Fund-USA has worked closely with these southern communities for decades. We know them better than anyone else. They are our colleagues, our friends, and our family.
1. We support 10 Gaza Envelope communities most closely, including those hardest hit such as Sderot, Kissufim, and others
2. One of our communities, Kibbutz Reim was the site of the Nova Music Festival where 3,000 young people gathered to celebrate peace and music. So far 260 attendees are among those massacred by Hamas gunmen and many were kidnapped from the festival and taken hostage.
* We are preparing our community partners in the north for the possibility of an expanded conflict by requisitioning portable bomb shelters for community spaces.
* All 160 Alexander Muss High School in Israel students are safe on campus and have stepped up to help Israelis by making care packages.
* Israelis are feeling like this is their 9/11 – yet proportionally at a per-capita scale 6x the magnitude
* This attack has decimated many communities, but they will never destroy our spirit. We stand together, as one Jewish community, ready to help Israelis in this difficult time.
* We are hosting emergency briefings every day at 12:00 PM ET. ZOOM can be joined here

You can donate to Magen David Adom or Friends of the Israel Defense Forces or the JNF has an emergency relief fund



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